Periksa waktu buka halaman blog sobat, Google Page Rank, backlink, broken link, link timbal balik dan meta tag di sini . Cukup masukkan domain sobat atau web page URL sobat di kotak teks yang sesuai dan klik Periksa (Check!) tombol. Hasil akan ditampilkan di bawah kotak teks.
Alexa rank checker untuk sementara dihapus.
Semua peralatan SEO dibawah disediakan dan diselenggarakan oleh iWEBTOOL, kecuali untuk Google Page Rank checker.
1. Speed tester
Check web page size and load time.
2. Rank checker
Check Google Page Rank of your domain or web page. Result will be shown in a new window.
Your domain/web page: | |
This page rank checker is powered by Page Rank Checker |
3. Backlink checker
Check backlinks to your domain or web page.
4. Reciprocal link checker
Check whether your link partner is still linking back to your site.
5. Broken link checker
Check for broken links in your web page.
6. Meta tag checker
Extract your web page's meta information and tags.
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