Gettin' Hitched

So as you may know, I'm gettin' hitched..

How cute are we together?

We need your help.

We are looking for a fun place to get married.  Such as on the beach while we are on vacation next year with the girls.

We have both already had the big white wedding.  So we want the whole wedding deal to be low key.  

NOT like this:

But more like this:

Ok...Just Kidding! 

But seriously, more like this:

We were thinking about Wild Dunes in South Carolina.  That is where we got engaged and where we have been on vacation the past few years with the kids.

But I kind of want something a little more small in a little more deserted.  Somewhere the kids can ride their bikes around without a million people milling about.

A beachfront house with a pool is key...somewhere we can can have the wedding and walk up to the house for a very casual reception.

Oh, and it has to be in North or South Carolina so my family can easily get there.

If you have any ideas/places in mind would you let me know?

We would so appreciate it!

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